What is Reiki?
Reiki = Spiritual Energy
Reiki is a safe, non-invasive practice designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanism. Reiki can help provide healing energy for any injury or illness, improve your clarity, focus and mood, energize you when you are burnt out or feel depleted. Reiki can also be used to encourage balance, stimulate mindfulness, reduce anxiety, depression and help you find a greater sense of inner peace
Reiki is empowering.
It helps you feel more capable to address the ways in which life is particularly challenging for you, where you feel blocked, in a rut or disconnected from your joy. Reiki connects you deeply to your spirit; it clears, straightens and heals your subtle body so your life force energy can flow in a natural way. It always helps.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is pure universal energy, like the energy of the ocean, life and nature. Everything has energy or “ki” in it and there is an unlimited amount of energy. Energy may seem invisible or elusive but it is, in fact, all encompassing. This is Reiki. It is the energy of everything. It is neither a religion nor is it intrusive.
Reiki is composed of two root words: “Rei” and “Ki.”
Rei means ‘spiritual’ and can be equated with the heavens & spirit, symbolizing the spiritual aspects of the human being. Other translations of Rei include: life, soul, inconceivable spiritual ability, bright, unpolluted, pure, divine, mysterious.
Ki means ‘energy’ and describes the energy of everything including Heaven and Earth, the entire Universe.* Ki is the same as chi, qi and prana. Ki is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. If something is alive, it has life energy circulating through it and surrounding it. When something dies, the life energy of the organism departs. Ki is understood to be the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts and spiritual life. The Chinese place great importance on the life energy, or Chi. It has been studied for thousands of years and he Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, describes thirty-two different types of Chi.
Previously these two kanji of Reiki have been translated as ‘Universal Energy’ outside of Japan. This is a translation of the second kanji ‘ki’ only. The first kanji, ‘rei’ may have been left out of English translations due to the fact that the term ‘spiritual’ wasn’t the focus of the modern practice.
In Chinese, the same two kanji of Reiki are pronounced differently but have a similar meaning. In Chinese, Reiki is called ling chi:
“Ling chi is the subtlest and most highly refined of all the energies in the human system and the product of the most advanced stages of practice, whereby the ordinary energies of the body are transformed into pure spiritual vitality. This type of highly refined energy enhances spiritual awareness, improves all cerebral functions and constitutes the basic fuel for the highest level of spiritual work.”
Chi-gung: Harnessing the Power of the Universe by Daniel Reid
How does it work?
Reiki understands that “life energy” or Ki flows through the body through pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis and can also be present and pass directly though the organs and the tissues of the body. The free and balanced flow of healthy Ki is one cause of well-being. Negative thoughts, emotions and difficult life circumstances cloud or block the effective flow of Ki energy through the body and the subtle body eventually leading to disruptions in the healthy flow of Ki. Reiki clears, straightens and heals energetic pathways allowing life force energy to flow in a natural way. When a block is released, a person can experience euphoria, greater understanding, peace, relaxation and, commonly, a hot or cold sensation.
If we already have energy or ki, why do we need the practice of Reiki?
To understand, envision a free flowing river. This river is like energy flowing easily down through the body. Occasionally a pebble or a rock will fall into the river, making the flow of water a little more difficult. These pebbles are human worries, fear, anger and each pebble builds on top of the other. Soon their is only a trickle of water running in what was once a beautiful free-flowing river. So it is with energy in the human body.
During a Reiki treatment, the pure flow of energy is realigned within the body. It washes down, clearing obstructions and strengthening the flow of your energy. This not only helps us to feel physically better but it allows us to feel a connection to the understanding of one’s purpose on Earth and how to achieve it.
*Excerpt from Frans & Bronwen Steine Shoden Manual
Reiki is an expression of our true self. Reiki is who we really are on a deep spiritual, soulful level.
Why you should try it?
Reiki is a milestone on your journey to a happier, healthier life. It is a safe and natural method of healing and self-improvement which works well with all other medical and therapeutic techniques. A Reiki treatment can help with not only physical ailments but also is designed to address emotional, mental or energetic roots of an imbalance to prevent recurrence of illness or disease. Many experience positive side effects including relaxation and feelings of peace, capability and security.
What are the benefits?
Reiki is not intended to be used as a cure but rather, it is designed to complement Eastern and Western modalities of healing. A Reiki treatment can:
— Stimulate mindfulness
— Improve clarity, focus and mood
— Rejuvenate energy
— Encourage balance
— Help release unwanted habits and addictions
— Ease stress and promote relaxation
— Provide healing energy for any injury or illness
How do you practice it?
One of the most practical ways of entering a “state of Reiki” is to meditate daily on the Reiki precepts. Each precept is a little gem you can take your time with in meditation as a means to re-align yourself with the deeper mystery of who you are. The practice of contemplation and meditation of the precepts is open to anyone, no matter if you have taken a Reiki course or not.
You can think of the mindset of the Reiki precepts as a doorway into the experience of Reiki.
Practitioners of Reiki might also feel inspired to chant the Reiki precepts in Japanese to generate kotodama, the spiritual energy of the words.
My approach.
Reiki Healing Society is dedicated to creating a cultural and ideological shift in Reiki which is:
🌲 Grounded in the roots of Reiki.
🌲 Conscious of Reiki's potential.
🌲 Inspired by nature.
🌲 Empowering, validating and honoring towards ALL, each of us on our own unique journey of healing, oneness and spirituality.
🌲 A safe(r), trauma informed community that is inclusive for all people and specifically for BIPOC & LGBTQIIA+ folks.
🌲 Making waves toward a better world. Join the pledge to donate $1 for each Reiki session you provide so that we can make a bigger impact towards a world we believe in. Learn more here.
“Primordial sounds are the vibrations of nature that structure the universe. They are the root sounds of every language. We can hear these sounds in the songs of birds, the rushing of streams, the crashing of waves and in the whispering breezes in the leaves of a tree ... listening to primordial sounds restores our sense of connection to the whole and enlivens our inner healing energy.”
The Wisdom of Healing by David Simon
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Need to get back on your game? Reiki can help!
"Just when I wasn't sure if I could catch another fast ball, curve or wild pitch I got the most rejuvenating Reiki treatment this evening from these hands. Thanks Carrie-game on!"