In-person or Virtual Relaxing Reiki Treatments
Bring more of the good vibes, insight and healing you get from Reiki & Yoga into your life in a meaningful way.
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Rejuvenating Reiki Treatments
In-Person Only
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation which also promotes healing. It is a safe, non-invasive practice that can help provide healing energy for any injury or illness*, improve your clarity, focus and mood, energize you when you are burnt out or feel depleted. Reiki can also be used to encourage balance, stimulate mindfulness, reduce anxiety, depression and help you find a greater sense of inner peace.
Reiki is empowering. It helps you feel more capable to address the ways in which life is particularly challenging for you, where you feel blocked, in a rut or disconnected from your joy. Reiki connects you deeply to your spirit; it clears, straightens and heals your subtle body so your life force energy can flow in a natural way. It always helps.
During a Reiki treatment, you can expect to lay on a massage table fully clothed while I either hover my hands or lay my hands over certain areas of your body. A treatment can involve safe healing touch or be fully hands free at your request. Plan for a 60 minute session.
Enjoy the stress relieving benefits of Reiki and take your energy into a positive, healthy and peaceful space.
*Reiki should not be used as a replacement for any needed physical or psychological care. It is not a cure. Please consult a doctor before changing your health routine because of Reiki.*
One Reiki Treatment: $115
Three Reiki Treatments: $300
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Raindrop Aromatherapy with Reiki Healing Energy
In-Person Only
Frazzled, ungrounded, super stressed or having a FML moment, week, year, lifetime? A Reiki + AromaTouch treatment is the best medicine for mind/body/spirit rejuvenation.
In an Aromatherapy treatment, I use CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade doTERRA essential oils which I drop, like raindrops, on your spine. Using Reiki to activate the healing properties of the oils, I rub the oils along your spine and the meridian lines of your feet and back. The oils used in aromatherapy help your body reduce stress, increase immunity, decrease inflammation and encourage homeostasis. Aromatherapy is a perfect compliment to a Reiki session.
During a Reiki + Aromatherapy treatment, you can expect to receive Reiki (fully clothed) for about half of the treatment time. During the aromatherapy portion of the treatment, you will enjoy an essential oil infused massage on your back and feet.
Plan for a 90 minute session.
One Reiki + AromaTouch Treatment: $145
Three Reiki + Three AromaTouch Treatments: $390
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Reiki Near or Far
Online Only
Reiki is pure universal energy, like the energy of the ocean, life and nature. It will help you harmonize with your highest self. It can be administered remotely…meaning that you don’t have to visit me at my office to do this healing work together.
In a typical Reiki distance treatment, we will connect over zoom and spend a few minutes over the phone chatting about your healing intentions and any questions you may have about Reiki.
I will then tune into Reiki and find your energy frequency. Once I feel a connection to you, the Reiki energy begins to flow into where you need it the most. Depending on what I sense or feel, I might offer a guided meditation, insight and spiritual guidance.
One Distance Reiki Treatment: $115
Three Distance Reiki Treatments: $300
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Pet Healing
In-Person or Online
Our pets are very sensitive to energy and may be struggling to communicate or manage their stress in destructive or aggressive ways. Reiki can provide relaxation and stress reduction to your pet.
In a pet healing session, I work to support the animal’s healing process. I never try to intrude upon the animal’s space, nor to make decisions about the animals health, but to offer healing to the animal that it can draw upon in its own time and in its own way.
Depending on the comfort of your pet, my hands are placed on the body but some animals may not appreciate this, or may be unable to have this depending upon their situation. For example, if an animal is in trauma or aggressive or in a cage, then it is not possible to touch. In this case, I can simply be with the animal, providing Reiki and typically we will see a big difference in their behavior.
I might also receive some insight from the animal, helping you to communicate with your pet and understand the root cause of their problematic behavior.
One Pet Reiki Treatment: $85 + travel fee to your location when applicable.
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Reiki Home Blessing
In-Person or Online
Feeling funky energy? You can use Reiki to clear not just your head but also the space around you. Consider a Reiki Home Blessing to brighten up your space.
Have you just moved into a new house?
Lived in your house for years?
Can’t stand being a certain area of your house?
Had a nasty fight in your home? Went through a divorce?
Experienced death or loss and feel the heavy weight of grief all around you? Experienced death or loss in your home?
Having a tough time selling or renting a home?
Want to release negative energy, beliefs/patterns that no longer serve you?
Infuse your home space with bright, positive, healing energy. Try a Reiki Home Blessing today!
$200 for 90 minutes
$100/hour thereafter
Travel fee may apply to come to your location.
By Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art
Yoga Lessons
In-Person or Online
Are you struggling with a nagging injury? Want to perfect certain poses that you rarely get to practice in a group yoga class? Struggling to understand some of the intricacies and importance of alignment? Would like to learn how to modify your practice for age, pregnancy, injury or body type?
A yoga private lesson is the perfect way to deepen your yoga practice! Enjoy a full hour of trusted, experienced guidance from an expert yoga instructor. My rate also applies if you would like me to guide a yoga class for a special event or occasion.
I look forward to working with you specifically to help you get more of the amazing benefits of yoga in your life.
One Private/Semi Private Yoga Lesson: $85
Three Private/Semi Private Yoga Lessons: $235